Huu-ay-aht First Nations is a self-governing, modern treaty Nation whose lands are located in the Barkley Sound region on the west coast of Vancouver Island, at the entrance to Alberni Inlet. The lands and waters making up our traditional territories (ḥahuułi, pronounced “ha-houlthee”) have been occupied by us since time immemorial. Today, Huu-ay-aht citizens number close to 750 and primarily reside around the village of Anacla, the Nation’s principal community close to Bamfield, as well as in Port Alberni, the closest population centre. The balance of our citizens live across Vancouver Island, in the Vancouver area, and beyond.
Member Spotlight

Huu-ay-aht Government Office - Jen Carwithen
Huu-ay-aht First Nations is a member of the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council and one of the five First Nations signatories to the Maa-nulth Final Agreement, the first modern-day treaty to be concluded on Vancouver Island. The treaty came into effect on April 1st, 2011, when the five Maa-nulth First Nations’ laws came into effect, marking a new era of ownership and self-government. Today, our Nation operates under a “made in Huu-ay-aht” Constitution, which supports the laws and policies that establish how the Huu-ay-aht government makes decisions on behalf of its citizens. As a result of the treaty, Huu-ay-aht First Nations has full ownership and jurisdiction over more than 8,200 hectares of land within our territories and continues to have rights throughout our ḥahuułi.